The Power of A-Board Advertising


A Morning Advertising article about the Old castle pub in Bridgnorth recently caught my eye. The poor publican's local council had made him remove an A board from a council owned roadside grass verge.

It wasn't the petty bureaucracy of the council that interested me - though this is irritating enough - it was the massive difference the loss of the A board has made to the old Castle's trade that was fascinating.

Bryn Masterman, the owner of the pub, has calculated that trade dropped by a massive 25% when the board was taken down. This translated to £100 a day in food sales plus drinks on top, so much so that this was forcing him to think about cutting staff hours!

It seems to me there are two lessons to be learned here -

  1. Make sure you have plenty of top quality signage on display to promote your premises - This is where Chalkboards UK comes in! Visit our A board Section now!
  2. Be careful not to upset your local council and if there are restrictions on signage size or frequency, then ensure you are making the most of what you are allowed to use. I'd recommend the 'Tall thin' A Frame Chalkboard that Chalkboards UK has just launched at the ridicously cheap price of £69.95 if you only have restricted space available.
To find out more about these great deals visit and look for the “offer” lozenges or ring 01384 445844 and ask for details.

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